25 February 2007

Beach Day!

(Hee! Anyone recognize this shot? Same place, different day...)

Academy Awards

It's not a big secret that I am not really a big movie person. The fact that I have seen three movies in the theaters in the six months I've lived here is actually quite remarkable. Consequently, the Oscars rarely hold much appeal for me. This year though, my friends Mariah, Mary and I decided to get all dressed up, drink wine and eat pupus (that's Hawaiian for "appetizers" y'all.) Even though collectively we had seen about three of the nominated movies, it was still fun to watch and bullshit our way through the four hour show. Plus, we even had our own Red Carpet. Heh.

22 February 2007

14 February 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

06 February 2007

Tuesday Sunset at the Beach

And then of course there was this guy, doing what I assumed was some sort of setting sun salutation. These picture that I totally snuck, were taken over the course of about 15 minutes.

04 February 2007

Expressive Skies

The Beach at Mile Marker 69

Going Dancing!

Shots from a February Day

I went for a walk yesterday, and came across a surfing competition. That little speck in the middle of the picture is a surfer riding out the wave.

We've had crazy amounts of rain here lately, which has in turn made fun bursts of color appear all over town.

One of the many banyan trees in town. I was unfamiliar with banyan trees before I moved to Hawaii, and now they are my favorite.

There are also fun bursts of colors in my very own bathroom!