26 October 2006

Pets, Mostly

The animals that live here at the house:

Kiko, the dog. Spends most of his days sleeping, either here on the front landing, or in the bed of my housemate's truck. Very mellow dog. Haven't heard him bark once since I've been here.

The cat, whose name I actually don't know yet. What can I say, it hasn't come up in conversation and I keep forgetting to ask. Good cat, though. Likes having his belly rubbed and curling up on the hood of my car.

Tweeter the bird, who isn't nearly as fuzzy in real life as the picture would lead you to believe. This is one of the loudest birds I have ever lived with. Wait. This is the ONLY bird I have ever lived with, but still. The amount of sheer noise this little guy can create is insane. Although if you start whispering to him, he "whispers" back. Tweeter is terrified of the vacuum and the stepladder, and shows off for you when you sit at the kitchen table to eat.

Those are the animals that you would EXPECT to see when you walk into the house. What you might NOT expect to see is this:

Is that a GECKO on your bedroom wall, or are you just happy to see me?

That little guy spent the better part of an hour yesterday scampering across my walls and ceilings, while I tentatively sat on my bed and watched him, snapping pictures all the while. After a while he wandered up in a far corner shelf and although I never actually saw him leave the room, I sleep better at night telling myself he did.