16 December 2006

Kona's Christmas Parade

People, I really do apologize. The pictures in this post are not up to par with my personal expectations or standards, but I didn't want to deny y'all pictures from the parade, 'cuz, well, everyone loves a parade! However, this parade happened at dusk, which is my camera's arch-enemy. Pictures with flash only caught the street signs on the posts. Pictures without flash just plain sucked. I messed around with as many shots on the computer as I could, but I'm afraid all I have to offer is the following. Happy Holidays, anyway!

Unfortunately, my camera ran out of juice before Santa himself made an appearance. I stuck around, soaking up the sense of community and ho ho ho'ing right along with the crowd. If nothing else, it's definitely the first Holiday Parade I've ever attended in flip flops. Witness:

(Oh! I almsot forgot! The best part of the Parade! The Hospice Center of Kona had a float in the parade, and the song they had playing? "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." Classic.)