17 January 2007

No pictures, but I had to share anyway...

I need to remember when I am feeling blue, I should get my little butt outside and spend some time. It inevitably cheers me up.

After some mulling and moping this afternoon about matters that are rather silly to mull and mope about, I decided a long power walk was in order. So I geared up and began my trek down Ali'i Drive, my usual route. Not only is the exercise calming to me, but I also love walking down Ali'i for the ego boost: this is a town of honkers and whistlers. It happens every time, and even though it's silly, it lifts my spirits. To be honked at. By complete strangers. I know, I know...weak. But, it is what it is.

Today's walk brought another, unexpected moment involving a goat, of all things.

I have seen my fair share of wild goats here, but never in town, never on Ali'i. At first, from far away, I thought it was a large dog. I kept my eye on it, because big, seemingly stray dogs can be unpredictable and all. As I got closer, I realized it was not a dog at all, but a goat. A big, brown goat, just hanging out on the corner of Ali'i and Royal Poinciana. A big, brown goat directly in my route. I slowed down considerably, just like the cars on the road were doing as they passed. When I was perhaps 10 feet away, I had pretty much halted any movement, with the intention of crossing the road and continuing on. That's when the goat noticed me. I apparently had violated this goat's personal space, because he turned directly to face me, lowered his head and charged. He CHARGED. I yelped, loudly, and contorted my body so that his head did NOT make direct contact with my ass. He didn't stop and ran right into somebody's yard; I burst out laughing.

I was just charged by a goat. I'm gonna guess that not many people can say that, but of course, that's just a guess.